AcuHand™ makes it possible to achieve parallelism in crown and bridge tooth preparation, significantly improving the retention and resistance of prosthesis without unnecessary tooth structure removal. It gives the operator the measurable control for the minimally invasive preparations of abutments for metal supported and metal-free bridges.
The tooth structure reduction we recommend for preparation of abutments to support fixed bridges is even less invasive than classic onlay, three-quarter crown or partial veneer preparation.
The design we use consists of lingual and proximal axial reduction of the tooth structure, distinct proximal and lingual grooves, with proximal boxes in case of decay or old fillings, and occlusal or incisal offset or inlay.
We do not cut lingual cusps of molars and premolars or make any lingual reduction of canines and incisors besides axial reduction. It leaves a tooth in natural occlusal relations; it improves retention and resistance and minimizes the display of metal, making a restoration more acceptable esthetically, especially in maxillary application.
If display of metal is unacceptable, we have an option to use metal-free bridges with the same concept in preparation design.
Metal Supported Bridges
Instead of cutting 80% to 90% of the healthy teeth to make crown-supported bridges, the AcuHand system makes possible a limited preparation for retainers that provides strong and predictable support for the bridge. If your goal is to have your natural teeth for the rest of your life, you should avoid grinding down a healthy tooth to hold a bridge.